Logistics Industry is keeping the country going

  • masters lorryThe Department for Transport confirmed last week that the logistics industry in its entirety is essential to the running of the country.

    Our industry bodies received a letter from the Department for Transport a couple of days ago . . .

    “Haulage drivers, managers, warehouse staff and all other logistics professionals need to continue to go about their business to keep supply chains moving, and government policy is clear that this applies to all supplies chains and not only those for food and medical supplies.” Ben Rimmington Department for Transport

    He went on to thank the logistics industry for keeping supply chains moving in these difficult times.

    We were grateful to receive this clarity as there had been a grey area around whether it was just food and medical supplies that should be classed as essential.

    We are so proud of the part we play in the smooth running of our society.

    What this plight has taught us, amongst many things, is that it is people such as lorry drivers and warehouse operatives, postmen and women, shop assistants and of course, doctors, nurses and hospital porters who are essential to this country . . not the highly paid footballers for example, who were one of the first ‘off the scene’!

    It is so interesting what this is teaching us about our communities. About how we can all pull together to help each other when we have to.

    Here at Masters, we are honoured to be doing our bit. Proud of our drivers, the people in the warehouse, the guys and girls in the traffic and warehouse administration teams. We are all observing social distancing protocols, whilst ensuring essential supplies get to where they need to be.

    If you need any logistics or warehousing help, please do get in touch on 01353 648222 and we’ll be delighted to hear from you.

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