What does quality service mean to you?

  • Quote graphic 'There are no traffic jams along the extra mile' Customer expectations are evolving very quickly, and we need to ask ourselves the basic but essential question: What is quality customer service? [something fundamental to us here at Masters and always at the forefront of our minds].

    Not only are customer expectations evolving, but so are the services around us, so it’s helpful to understand what quality means to our customers.  Indeed, what is quality?

    What does quality service mean to you?

    Quality could represent ALL of the attributes of a product or service, making it difficult if you are looking at how to measure or improve quality service.

    You may be asking yourself, ‘should I adjust my customer support hours?’ or ‘Should I be hiring more customer-facing employees?’ or ‘Maybe I should rethink my customer service approach altogether?’.

    Answering any of these questions isn’t easy. To answer it, perhaps ask yourself, how are you performing against these three key pillars of customer service?

    • Professionalism
    • People-first attitude
    • Proactivity

    Is that what quality service means to you? :


    In terms of customer service, this is the very least that should be expected of your team. It can sometimes be very easy to forget where you are and who you are representing when dealing with an unhappy or frustrated customer. This mustn’t be allowed to happen.

    Staying poised can be easier said than done. But practicing and experiencing being able to remain level-headed and professional at all times will benefit you and your business in the future. If you can diffuse the situation and remain calm, you represent your brand in a positive light.   Training is key.

    You should also look at bad customer experience as a learning opportunity; this means learning from the situation so you can prevent it from happening again with other customers.

    ‘Professionalism’ is the foundation of an excellent customer service strategy.

    People-first attitude

    Can you achieve a ‘wow’?

    Firstly, the rule of thumb is to ensure that you have general service guidelines for yourself and your team.  Then you must remember that some customers may need more attention or help than others to achieve the same experience.

    This does mean that from time to time you may have to step outside of your standard guidelines to achieve exceptional customer service.  This is essential.

    It is important to note that exceptional customer service isn’t ‘one size fits’ all, and that you should see every customer as unique.

    To ensure you are giving quality customer service, you need to have a ‘People-first attitude.’

    This is the most significant factor of achieving high-quality service as it relates to basic human needs. You want your customers to be able to answer yes to “Do you feel valued and appreciated when you make a purchase?” and “Do you know that my team and I view you as a person, not a sale?”

    You and your team need to show empathy for your customers in all situations.

    Personalising and connecting with your customers goes a long way, and it will make them feel important to you and your business. This will also benefit your business as it can create long-term relationships between your business and each customer.

    It is a great marketing opportunity too.  Excellent customer service is one of the best marketing strategies there is.


    Proactive Customer Support is when you take steps to help your customers resolve issues before they occur. You address a customer’s problem even before they run into one by spotting or anticipating the issue in advance and extending support to resolve it.

    Adopting a proactive customer service approach will increase your retention rates which also increase your customer loyalty. Improved retention rates and customer loyalty helps you save resources as retained, loyal customers are worth more, and cost less than acquiring new ones.

    Not only does proactive customer service help you with the financial side of the business, but it also boosts your brand’s reputation.

    To implement a proactive customer service approach, you need to take some time and get to know your customers. If you don’t know who they are, what they need, what problems you solve for them, or what issues they experience, then you’ll never be able to support them proactively.

    What about you?  Do you agree?

    What do you think quality customer service is?  Do you have a favourite example of someone going the extra mile?

    Let us know!

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