How to measure the quality of your logistics provider

  • Whether you’re a managing director of a growing organisation or the owner of a startup business, you know that the success of your business relies heavily on your supply chain running efficiently.

    Logistics provider

    It is likely that to ensure your operations run smoothly, you have commissioned a 3PL provider to look after your distribution and warehousing requirements, but how can you ensure you are getting a high level of service quality from your 3PL partner?

    From a logistics point-of-view, service quality is measured by the capacity to accomplish clients’ orders and there are 5 key factors that can help you measure how well your logistics provider is performing:


    The tangible factors of a 3PL should be measured based on how the 3PL makes your job easier and how they enable you to implement a better service. It is likely that you want the ability to be able to track your goods and services online, which is why our online portal allows clients to check and monitor levels of stock and also track deliveries as part of our dedicated transport service.


    The most important measures from a reliability point-of-view are:

    • An efficient and fast service
    • Delivery within a specified time frame
    • Successful delivery without complication or damage

    These conditions are likely to impact your supply chain so it’s important you regularly assess your 3PL partner on their reliability and their overall performance. As part of Palletline, we are regularly assessed against our KPIs and we are continuously recognised as the best performer within the network.


    If there is a problem with your delivery or there has been a delay in a shipment to one of your clients, how transparent is your 3PL provider with you? We know things don’t always run smoothly 100% of the time but if there is an issue, clear communication and clarity is vital from your logistics provider. That’s why at Masters if we hit a problem during one of our deliveries, we do everything we can to find a way around it. You can always count on us to do our very best for our customers.


    This is where you measure the capabilities of the people that play a crucial role within your supply chain. At Masters Logistical, we believe it is the people, as well as the service, who make the company. That’s why we currently employ 30 people, many who have years of distribution and warehouse experience. We take care of our staff, they take care of our customers.


    This relates to how much your 3PL provider understands your customers and their ability to build a rapport with them. They are out there representing your organisation, so it’s important that your 3PL partner can sustain and build relationships with your customers.

    At Masters Logistical, we pride ourselves on our professionalism and being able to deliver a premium, quality service every day.

    To discuss your outsourcing requirements or any other logistical related queries, please call Mervyn Jeffery today on 01353 648222.

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