Exceptional Customer service = great 3PL partnership

  • The reason why you might be considering using a 3PL partnership to manage your distribution requirements is to remove the chaos out of the supply chain. However, if you’re outsourcing your logistics, you want to ensure customer satisfaction remains at the same level your customers have come to expect, and they are still being looked after efficiently.

    Third Party

    To ensure this, not only does your 3PL partner need to provide you with great customer service, you also need to make sure you are looking after your customers.

    Here are 4 ways you can ensure your level of customer service remains high:

    1. Remain calm

    While we wish it was true 100% of the time, logistics doesn’t always runs smoothly or works out as you planned. If you run into issues in your warehouse or a supplier lets you down, the key is not to panic as this could cause further delays and frustrations for your customers. We recommend speaking to your 3PL partner as they will be able to offer advice from their own experience, and determine the right solution that will keep your supply chain operating smoothly.

    1. Good communication

    Is there an issue with roadworks? Is weather trouble causing a delay? Are your customers’ goods going to be delivered late because of this? A good 3PL will be able to provide you with all this information, and it is important that you pass this onto your customers. Inbound logistics believe ‘customer service means honest and transparent communication with people who not only admit when there is a mistake, but head off potential problems with proactive solutions.’

    Communication is a major factor that can make or break your relationship with a client. By keeping your customers aware of any problems and being transparent, including informing them of breakdowns or damaged equipment, your customers will appreciate the honesty.

    1. Training

    Any employee that comes into contact with your customers needs to be able to offer a high level of customer service. It only takes one member of staff providing poor service to lose you a customer. Training is key to ensure your employees know how to look after your customers and can deal with any issues. With adequate training, customer service remains consistent across your whole business.

    1. Feedback

    There is always room for improvement in any supply chain. Creating a feedback form or carrying out regular customer surveys can provide you and your 3PL partner with valuable feedback, and make you aware of any strengths or weaknesses in your supply chain. You will also demonstrate to your customers that you care about their input and you are constantly trying to improve your services to them.

    Using a third party logistic specialist can be extremely beneficial to your business, and many companies of all sizes are doing just that. At Masters we cover the UK, so our friendly team would be delighted to help you with your 3PL needs. We are known for going above and beyond to ensure your company benefits from our service, and your customers are always looked after.

    If you have any questions about our 3PL service, get in touch with Mervyn Jeffery, Business & Commercial Development Manager, by emailing [email protected] or call 01353 648222.

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